Client: Sara Lee Corp / DIM
Type: Mobile Retail
Location: Anywhere
Size: 1,000 SF
Design: 2006
Interactive Technology: Inbar Barak
Photography: LOT-EK + Inbar Barak
A 53-foot long truck triples in size and opens with the push of a button to both sides. The mechanism of the folding floor dictated the distribution of program to stationary areas that follow the logic of the folding and unfolding of the truck. All clothing stacks, accessory drawers, fitting rooms and lounge seats pull out of the central container. The clothing display is reduced onto a thin layer of flat-screen monitors, creating an infrastructure for the rapid bi-weekly update of merchandise. The technological and mechanical environments demanded the interactivity that runs throughout the elements: The fitting rooms collapse to the ceiling to provide valuable space when not in use, and allow the folding of the pods; The cash register is a portable hand-held machine (new at the time!); The stack drawer monitors show a video display of its content when pulled open; Portraits of consumers from each retail location are collected to create a community; Reflective surfaces on the interior enhance the constantly animated display; The reflective surfaces of the exterior, makes this object contextual leaving the inside/outside connection filtered through the brand’s logo, which wraps around the object.